*See below for an important message from the Missouri Department of Transportation
One million dollars for the Freight Enhancement Program (FRE) was included in MoDOT’s FY20 budget (July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021). MoDOT is accepting FRE applications through 5:00 pm Central Time July 31, 2020. Project applications must be submitted electronically in Adobe .pdf format to MoFreight@nullmodot.mo.gov. A few reminders about this program:
- In accordance with the funding source (RSMo 226.225), Freight Enhancement funds must be used for transportation purposes other than highways.
- The funds must be used for capital projects only, operating costs or study costs are not eligible. Examples of previously funded projects is available on the MODOT Freight site.
- Applicants can be public, private, or not-for-profit entities.
- Projects must be located in the State of Missouri.
- A minimum of 20% match is required for the projects.
- The maximum available for any one project is $500,000.
- The project must be completed and reimbursement requested from MoDOT no later than June 15, 2021.
The application is also available on MoDOT’s consultant RFP site and the MODOT Freight site.
Please feel free to pass this along to any other organization who might be interested in the FRE program.
If you have any questions, please let our team know. MoFreight@nullmodot.mo.gov